Sunday, April 13, 2014

Remote control cars

The kids (and Papa) spent part of the morning playing with some of Little Bear's remote control cars. Can you guess who had to be the Sheriff?

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

A big catch up!

There's been a lot going on since I last posted. So I'm going to do a big catch up instead of making separate posts... Here's what we've been up to:

Pequeño being silly in the jungle gym (in the living room)
Everyone in our house went through TWO cycles of a stomach bug and cold sickness.
Pequeño having a Moby day while he was sick.
Lots of yummy, colorful, healthy meals!
Chasing shadows at the park.
Having "Hot Cocoa" as the kids call it. (Heated chocolate almond milk) on chilly nights.
Breakfast Smoothies!
I reached a 50lb weight loss.
Running at the park
Playing "hopscotch" on the walkway
Looking for fun rocks
Cruising the driveway
Playing keep away