In the morning, I ran through part of the resort path and found where there was a playground and another pool on the way to the little hotel market. 

This pool had a really awesome pirate ship with slides, spraying water, and water-shooting cannons in it.
When I got back from my run, we woke up Pudge (the only one still asleep) so that we could eat breakfast and get ready for our day at Animal Kingdom! This turned out to be Little Bear's favorite Disney park!
When we first walked through the first gates, the kids wanted to get their picture taken with "the big frog". Then, we got in line at Guest Services so the kids could get "1st time at Disney World" badges.
Once we got into the park, the first thing that we saw was this! She was amazing!
Then an employee who had a container with beetles in it came by and showed the kids them. Little Bear was very interested because he had learned a little about the same kind (hissing beetles) at the science center that we've been to.
As we walked around, the kids were amazed by the different animals.
I had read to look for the workers with orange bags for a fun scavenger hunt for the kids so the first time that we saw one, we had the kids go over to then to find out about it. They gave the kids each a little book with facts, information, and fun things to do and find (and pencil). As they went to different parts of Animal Kingdom, they would need to check of animals that they saw, solve puzzles, and collect stickers from the workers with the orange bags. This was exactly what Little Bear loves to do so he got right to work! He also really enjoyed being our tour guide and was able to tell us facts about the animals that we didn't know.
One of the highlights of day was going on a safari ride! We saw so many animals (unfortunately the lion wasn't out) and the kids learned a lot (so did Papa and I).