Papa had a few days off from work so we were able to go to the cabin for a little vacation, introduce Monkey to some of the relatives, and celebrate Pequeño's birthday.
When we got to the lake, Grandma was already there waiting for us. She had brought the kids little water squirters and they were ready to try them out immediately. So they quickly changed into bathing suits and hopped in the water to play. She also had a few new rafts this year that they couldn't wait to play with. All three of them were like little fish this time.
(Racing back to shore)
(At 2 weeks postpartum, Mama wasn't able to join in any of the swimming fun and Monkey was too young to test out the lake water just yet. So we had a fun time watching the rest of the family splash around and cuddled up on the dock.)
(Pequeño is probably the one who loves swimming the most)
(Pudge getting ready to explore in the water)
Little Bear spent a lot of his time jumping off the dock. This is the first year that he's been willingly jumping off because he used to avoid getting his face wet.
When they got out to eat, the older kids cuddled together "for body heat".
Pequeño refused to join them
Playing with the bucket of worms
Playing a ring toss type game
Little Bear loved night kayaking
Bedtime: We had brought the tablet so that they could watch a movie to help fall asleep. They were all asleep within minutes however Mama was grateful for it because Cuatro was awake every 45
minutes-an hour until around 5 am (then he slept for almost 2 hours).
Grandma came by early in the morning and took Little Bear kayaking while the little ones slept. A little while later, Papa and Pudge woke up and decided to go fishing since they younger two were both still sleeping. Once they woke up, we played in the cabin for a while before going down for breakfast.
Pequeño wanted his "soccer hair" which lasted only until he decided to go swimming shortly after breakfast (because the hair tie fell out in the lake).

When we got downstairs, we found that Little Bear had caught the first fish of the day.
The kids spent the morning swimming and fishing. Then around 11, Pudge, Cuatro and Mama left to go visit Abuelo and Abuela so they could meet Cuatro. We visited with them for a few hours and then needed to drive back home to go to Pudge's gymnastics practice.
Cuatro slept through most of it. Then we stopped for dinner and drove the almost two hours back to the lake. The kids stayed up late playing together.
Pequeño's Birthday!
Pequeño was the first to wake up around 5:30 am so we watched Tangled on the tablet. Once the movie was over, Papa woke up and Pequeño decided to lay in the hammock with him where they both fell back asleep.
Once everyone woke up, we had breakfast and the kids immediately ran to go swimming and fishing.
For his birthday, Pequeño got his very own fishing pole. He was so excited that he was jumping up and down and clapping his hands. Papa helped him pick out a lure and helped him cast a few times and then he was ready to fish on his own!
After a little while, the kids and Papa decided that they were going to go swimming. Since we were having Pequeño's party that evening, Mama and Cuatro decided to go visit Mema and Pop-Pop and pick up the party supplies once they all jumped in the lake.
When we got back, Papa and the boys had built a small campfire.

Playing "memory" with Pudge
Cuatro was not a fan of being set down at any point during the trip
Pudge caught a fish right after Abuela got to the lake and was so excited to show her.
Putting a fish back
Abuela and Cuatro
Cousin D thought it was funny to keep grabbing Little Bear's nose.
Birthday cake & ice cream
Cuatro took a quick nap in Cousin D's pack n play
One of Pequeño's birthday gifts was a shark which he named "Sharky" and it instantly became his best buddy. Luckily, Sharky is able to float because his favorite thing was taking his buddy for a swim.
Grandma and Little Bear went for an evening kayak ride after the party
Then the kids had a short dance party in the cabin before bed (We had brought our speaker with the lights and glow sticks)
Since we had to leave on Thursday, afternoon, the kids wanted to spend as much time as possible fishing and swimming. They had a fun time catching fish in a net using bread as bait.
Some of the fish that they caught:
(The kids were pretending that Sharky was eating the little fish)
My boys with Cousin D and Grandma