For Little Bear’s 11th Birthday, he was given the gift of being in the Bethlehem Steel FC’s youth club. This included tickets to some of their games, a team poster, a shirt, a lunchbag, getting to walk in a few parades throughout the season, and getting to go to a youth soccer clinic in the summer. Needless to say, it was a huge hit!
Today was the Homeopener game and he had been looking forward to it since opening his gift. We decided to go as a family and everyone had a great time. We got there a little early and got to enjoy the free activities that they had set up.
Pequeño asked for the pirate sword and Pudge got an octopus.
(It was a little windy so Pequeño’s sword balloon popped and the clown “Tootsie” gave him a new one which was a laser shooter)

Little Bear got to walk in the parade (which was a walk up the side line and it was announced that they were the Bethlehem Steel Youth Soocer Club) and then sat with us for the game.

The kids got a few snacks to share and Cuatro ate some of my soft pretzel right out of my hand when I was distracted. He had finished his own and wanted more!

Little Bear got a poster with the 2018 season schedule and each of the kids received a paper schedule. In the car, they were already planning out which games they wanted to go to next.
When we left, we decided to go to On the Border. The kids love it there and we never leave without leftovers.

Then on the way home, we made a stop at Duck Donuts. Cuatro had fallen asleep so Papa and the older boys ran in and picked out doughnuts for each of us to bring home.

Little Bear’s


By the time that we got home, it was getting late so they kids ate their doughnuts, played one game of “War”, and got ready for bed.