Wednesday, February 27, 2019


The bulbs that we planted a few weeks ago are thriving in the sunroom. The kids have really enjoyed checking on them and watching them grow. There are a couple pots that are not expected to sprout for  another few weeks but we should have some overlap of blooms!

These are the top row and first three in the second row. (We should have about another week before the last one in the bottom two rows start to sprout and another week or two after that for the first three in the bottom row) 

When Cuatro tries to give up naptime...

Over the past few weeks , Cuatro has decided that he doesn’t need a nap. Instead, he will play in his room (or decorate the walls if he finds a crayon left by one of the brothers...), repeatedly come out to see where we are, or take a rest but try his hardest to stay awake. This leads to finding him asleep in random places around dinner time which means he will not want to go to sleep at his regular bedtime. 

(He is also currently potty training which is why he is only in a pull up for some of the pictures)

Saturday, February 9, 2019

100th Day of school

This year Pequeño’s class celebrated the 100th day of school by bringing in a project that was 10 groups of 10 items:

He used beads, googly eyes, sprinkles, arrows, numbers, sticky hats (from our Thanksgiving Turkey crafts), stars, squares, pasta, and Cheerios. Then he used gold glitter to fill in the number 100 and was very excited about how it turned out. 

Dressing as if they were 100 years old, and making a few crafts at school. 

Monday, February 4, 2019

Papa and Little Bear’s Ski Trip

For Little Bear’s 12th Birthday, he was gifted a ski trip with Papa and a shopping spree for some new ski gear. He bought a new 2 in 1 jacket, gloves, ski pants, a sweater to layer with, and a new helmet. For their trip, they spent a weekend in Killington, Vermont. 

Little Bear had an amazing time and they left with bounce back tickets so they will be going again before the season ends!

We used the app called Marco Polo to send video messages back and forth while they were away which was really nice.