Friday, June 21, 2019

Inguinal Hernia Surgery

Before surgery: Luckily, she was the second one of the day so it was early in the morning. She hadn’t been able to nurse and was starting to get hungry.She soothes herself with her thumb while we were waiting and stayed asleep until it was about time for her to go back.

Stats done and pre-op check complete. Waiting for the surgery team to come get her. Three people came to get her and one of them carried her to the operating room. 

After the surgery: All went well and she responded favorably to the anesthesia. She was sleepy but otherwise great. 

Recovery: She wanted to be cuddled most of the time for the next few days with days 3&4 post op seemingly being her toughest due to pain. 

Friday, June 14, 2019

Last Day of school 2019

The kids had a very short day so we were able to drive to Titi C & Tio E’s new home after their last day of school. 

Then we came home to meet Papa for icecream at Premise Maid which is our Last Day of School tradition.