Thursday, September 19, 2013

Day with the Little Ones

This morning, the younger two kids and I got to have some fun. We went for a walk around the neighborhood after morning nap and then grocery shopping. Pudge helped carry the grocery basket until it got too heavy which was adorable. Then we came home to make lunch. Then we headed to a playdate at a local park. Pudge was excited to wear his Mohawk hat again and wanted a picture. 
Then we came home for a quick snack (peanut butter spoons and raisins) and diaper change before heading to a doctor appointment.







Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Lemons Are Sour.

Pequeño stole Papa's lemon. He tried eating it, made a sour face, and then tried again, until we took it away from him and then he whined for Papa to give it back. Apparently he likes(?) the sour taste. Silly kid!


Monday, September 16, 2013

Brunch at Panera

While Little Bear and Pudge were at school, Papa and I decided to take Pequeño to brunch. What one year old wouldn't love Panera Bread? (Well, actually, he's pretty much allergic to everything so he may not love it as much as the other kids always have...)
Pequeño had already had breakfast so he snacked on an avacado and a bag of Kix cereal while Mama enjoyed a turkey and avacado sandwich and broccoli cheddar soup ( my favorite!). Papa just got a coffee and apple while he read the paper. 
We spent the time making him giggle by pretending to steal his food and by the time that we needed to leave to pick up Pudge, Pequeño had cleaned his plate and eaten some of the turkey from my sandwich as well. Sometimes he just needs to be distracted from the fact that he's eating in order to get him to eat!




"Fitness Day" for Little Bear

Today, Little Bear's school had "Fitness Day" for the entire first grade. Since the parents were invited to watch, Papa and I both went (with only Pequeño in tow since Pudge was at preschool). Little Bear was so excited that they were going to be exercising today and made sure to dress in his athletic clothes. (He's in the bright red pants in the following pictures). The teachers had set up different stations for the kids to rotate through with their assigned groups. In the different stations they ran around a track, played musical chairs, had an egg race, did jumping jacks, team relays, played on the playground equipment, played a game where they threw balls, and had a snack.

Little Bear's favorite station was the ball throwing one. The gym mats in the middle were made into a circle and kids took turns being in the inside of the circle. The kids on the outside tried to throw all of the balls into the center while the kids in the circle kept throwing them out. The kids on the outside had a certain line that they weren't allowed to cross to throw the balls. 

It started lightly raining when Little Bear was about half way through the stations so luckily we had our umbrella. Papa and I took turns holding it with Pequeño and Pequeño thought that the metal part of the umbrella was tasty. We had to keep stopping him from licking the umbrella.







Saturday, September 14, 2013

Soccer Saturday

Little Bear has decided to play soccer again this year. This seems to be the team sport that he's most interested in playing right now. He likes baseball (although I think the appeal is more from afar to him) but never is as into it during the season as he is during soccer. I think that a large part of the reason is that soccer is constant motion for him where in baseball there is a lot of waiting (waiting to bat, waiting in the feild for the ball, waiting to run). His soccer games will be on Saturdays this year and since Papa was off from work  we were able to go to this week's game as a family. It was really windy and definitely starting to feel like Fall weather. Little Bear quickly forgot that he was cold once he started running around. 
Pudge saw kids that were around his age playing at a field near where we were standing and kept wanting to go play with them. He'll be signing up for the spring season. 
After the game, Papa snapped a picture of the kids and I.





Thursday, September 12, 2013

And then it poured...

After dropping Little Bear at school, I thought that it looked like a great time for a walk. So I loaded the kids in the (new) double stroller and started walking/jogging the neighborhood. I decided to go around the lower section twice instead of doing the upper and lower section once so that it would be a little farther today. After we passed the house to start our second time around, it started getting a little windy and I thought "Oh, that's refreshing." Then when we got half way around the section, it suddenly started down pouring. Since I hadn't expected this at all, the kids didn't have anything to cover themselves with. Pudge thought that it was hilarious that he was getting soaked but Pequeño was VERY angry. So, I had to quickly jog us back to the house.
Pudge didn't want to go in the house when we got back home so I let him play on the back deck for a few minutes in the rain.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Pequeño's First Day

Pequeño started his play-school today. He had a great time and didn't mind at all when I dropped him off. When I came back to get him, he looked at me and continued happily playing until I picked him up. According to his teachers, he was happy the entire time and was "on the go". I'm not surprised. He's tiny but quick and loves to be moving and getting into trouble at all times!

Pudge had his second day today and had just as much fun as his first day. He was so excited to tell me all about it on the way home and talked about his new friends.

Little Bear is a week into school and according to him, his favorite parts of school are gym class and recess (where he runs the track) because you can exercise at school ("like how the police officers have an exercise room at their work!").

One morning a week, all of the kids will be at their schools which means this Mama will be child free. What in the world will I do? Probably clean.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Doctor's Appointment and Park Day

Pequeño had a weight check today which didn't go as well as we had expected. He's down a few ounces so we'll be taking him to the nutritionist. We also have orders for lab work which I'm dreading having to take him for. He's so pitiful when he has to have bloodwork done an always seems so much more fragile.

Pudge had fun playing in the waiting room. The kids love these "magic hands" boards and silly mirrors.
Pequeño napped in the stroller for the few minutes that we waited and then Pudge woke him up by bumping into the stroller right before the nurse came to get him. Luckily, he was in a good mood because he can go either way when he is woken. He was all smiles in the exam room and loves his doctor (all of the kids do which is why we travel the 40 minutes instead of going to their branch that is only 15 minutes away).

Since both kids were so well behaved, I decided that it was the perfect time to go for my jog. So, we went to a park that has become a favorite and I put them in the double stroller for a walk/jog followed by some playtime in the giant sandbox. Pequeño didn't want to play in the sand but Pudge was building castles. We stayed for about a half hour before heading home to clean and pick up Little Bear from school.





Monday, September 9, 2013

Off to Preschool!

Today was Pudge's first day of preschool.

 He was so excited that he was going to be able to go to "the big boy school" and proudly wore his doggy backpack and matching doggy hat to school. When we first got there, I was wondering how he would do because there were other kids crying in the room. So we gave our hugs and kissed in the hall. He barely took the time to let me take off his hat and book-bag before making a bee line to the trucks. So, I quickly filled out the sign-in form and left. Pequeño and I waited in the hall for a few minutes with a friend whose son is in the same class before leaving. When I came back to pick him up, he said "My mommy! You come to get me?  I have fun!" as soon as he saw me. Then he gave me the biggest hug and kiss and said " We pway wing awound a wosie!" (We play ring around the rosie!) This is one of his favorite game/songs so no wonder he had such a great day! Then he spent the first few minutes of the ride home telling me about the toys in his classroom and the rest of the ride home sleeping.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Dance Party!

 Turn on the disco balls, flip on that strobe light, start blasting the music, and dance your heart out! Dance parties are some of our favorite ways to have fun as a family. The kids love showing us all of their cool moves and mimicking our (obviously) awesome ones as well. Even the baby bounces around and giggles. 





Thursday, September 5, 2013

Visit to a Police Department

Little Bear is in his happy place right now because our moms group went on a tour of a new local police station tonight. He was so excited to get a badge (each of the kids got one) and to be able to see how police really work. The kids were even able to see a holding cell and he was amazed that the toilet was right there in the same room where everyone could see! I think that was the first thing that he told Papa Bear about when he came home. 
Pudge didn't have such a good night. He whined and needed to be held most of the time that we were there. That's what we get for going at bedtime! Luckily, Pequeño was happy and got to be held by one of the other moms while Pudge had his turn being held by Mama.