He recently found out that he is going to need to have two teeth sealed and may have to have two of his baby teeth pulled (his two front teeth!) if they don't come out on their own. One of the teeth is already a little wiggly so we made him a deal that we will pay him (and the tooth fairy too) if he is able to wiggle those two teeth out on his own. So, he's been trying to wiggle them out whenever he remembers.
Then, he started complaining that his leg was itching. We thought that maybe it was an allergy rash and showed the doctor who said to keep an eye on it because it was warm to the touch. Today (4 days later), it was suddenly swollen, spreading, itchy, and still warm to the touch. So the doctor brought him right in and he was sent home with all sorts of meds and an appointment in two days.
This is what his leg look like:

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