Our little Pudge is 3!
Last night we decorated his door with balloons and party banners so that when he oped the door this morning he would have a balloon avalanche. The whole time that we were decorating it, Papa was saying "I hope that Pequeño doesn't wake up in the night needing something!".
Luckily, they slept through the night and in the morning it was a big hit. Pudge always bangs on his door when he wants to get out so as soon as we heard him, we ran to the hallway (Little Bear too) and said "Come on out buddy. You can open the door." It took a few second but he finally opened it and was so surprised when the balloons started falling around him. It was so sweet because as soon as he realized what it was, he started yelling "BaWoons!" He decided that he wanted to bring all of the balloons downstairs so one by one he pushed them all through to the other side. We tried to convince him to run through the ribbons and told him that it's just like running through a finish line. He didn't want to ruin it and kept saying "NO, no ruin my finishline!". Then he tried to climb out without ripping any of the paper ribbons.
Eventually, he agreed to rip just the bottom ones and came out. Pequeño was awake and really excited at this point because he knew something was going on so we got him out of his crib and he ran to play will the balloons as well.
Downstairs, the dining room had been decorated in pirate theme since Pudge loved Jake and the Neverland Pirates.

We spent the morning at a playgroup event and brought a monster shaped cake there to celebrate. Then in the evening, we had dinner, his Jake and the Neverland Pirate cake, and he opened his presents.