Friday was a sunny day and surprisingly warm so we hooked up the sprinklers and let the kids run around in their bathing suits for a while. 

Papa had the weekend off and had decided that it was the perfect time for a home barbecue. He finished night shifts on Friday morning so after sleeping that morning, he spent all of Friday afternoon and early evening making our feast. Smoked ribs, wings, fried okra, okra stew, collard greens, corn bread, pecan pie (all from scratch) and watermelon! We had a few extra lemons so the kids helped me make some lemonade. 

Little Bear was the most excited to find out on his way home from school that we'd be having a barbecue for dinner and that we'd be able to eat outside. He loved the wings, ribs, cornbread, watermelon, and fried okra.
Pudge was all about the corn bread, wings, and watermelon. He liked the collard greens (which also had bacon in them) but doesn't like the smell.
Pequeño tried everything and has been really excited to be able to eat wings and ribs from the bone now (vs. us taking the meat off for him).
Saturday Little Bear got a chance to go to the high school to learn about the instruments that are offered next year if they want to be in the band. They were shown a lot of string and brass instruments and he had already narrowed it down to brass instruments before we went. He got a chance to listen to the different instruments, hold them, and talk to members of the highschool band. By the time that we left, he had decided that he likes the Alto Sax (then Tenor Sax but that isn't offered until he would be a little older) and then the trombone. On Monday he'll submit his choices (and order preference) and we'll hear back later which one he is able to get. Afterwards, we went to the library to return everyone's books and picked out a few books for the younger ones since they didn't come with us. As soon as we got home, they wanted to start reading and we spent a long time reading to each other (Little Bear read to Pudge, Mama read to Pequeño, Papa read to Little Bear, and Mama read to Pudge & Pequeño) which was really sweet.
Sunday was another day filled with soccer games. We were all able to go to Little Bear's game first but had to drive separately. He did a great job and scored a goal ! His team won the game 4-2.
While he was playing, the younger two ran around and played in the open space behind us. Pequeño had decided that he wanted to be like his big brothers today and wore his shin guards to the games (without any soccer socks)
Pudge, Pequeño, and I had to leave the game a few minutes early to get to Pudge's game. (Papa and Little Bear met us there as soon as Little Bear's game ended.) He ended up scoring a goal during his game as well and kept giving us "thumbs up" from the field.
After we got home, the kids helped Papa clean up the basement and get some of the camping equipment together for an upcoming trip. Then after having leftover barbecue for dinner, we all hung out on the deck for a while before bed.
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