Monday, June 13, 2016

38 Weeks Pregnant

(38 weeks 0 days)

Baby Cuatro is definitely starting to feel heavy this week. I'm noticing that it's taking a little more "oomph!" to go from sitting to standing and a lot more patience for everything else. 

I've been able to keep up with the Active Maternity workout so far but was struggling a bit this week and had to stop for extra water breaks. 
(Baby Cuatro laying on my right side while I took a water break. He seems to favor that side and although he'll move to the other side if we bother him, he usually moves right back into the same spot.)

(Pequeño has been asking to read to the baby a lot lately which is great. He's really starting to come around to having a baby. Hopefully, it'll be a smooth transition once the Baby Cuatro is actually here.)

All of his clothes, blankets, and cloth diapers have been washed and placed in drawers and his car seat will be installed at the end of this week (We're waiting until after school ends since we currently have that seat folded down for easy drop off/pick up unless he arrives before then).

Since Papa works day/night swing shifts, we will have his bassinet (and then a pac-n-play) in our room for nighttime and most naps but his crib will be in the room with Pequeño for when he needs to take naps when Papa needs to sleep in the day. This worked well with Pequeño so we're hoping that Baby Cuatro won't have any issues with it either. Since Pequeño no longer naps in his bed (he instead takes "rest"s in the living room or playroom), he won't be in the room with Baby Cuatro unlike when he was an infant and Pudge napped at the same time which sometimes led to them keeping each other awake or waking the one another early. 

(38 weeks 5 days... Getting lower and more uncomfortable)

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