The thing about going to Cabela's (at least for our family) is that no matter what you go in there for you can never leave without touring the entire place. This means that our "Let's just run in to get *insert item that we know exactly where it is and should take ten minutes to get/purchase/and be back in the car*" turns into hour long shopping wandering. So I should have known that when Papa Bear suggested "running" to Cabela's to "just grab" a new life jacket that we wouldn't be leaving before closing time.
Of course we checked out all of the animals...
Pequeño was very excited and talkative towards the animals. |
When we got to the elephants, Little Bear said " Take a picture of us. Grandma will love this!" and had me send the photo to their grandma who was currently on vacation. | | | |
Then we circled back around to check out the fishing lures where Little Bear wanted to buy 1 of each and Papa Bear was side-tracked by some paddle boards, and then some guns, and then some tents, and then some...(Do you see where I'm going here?)
Somewhere, the kids found a box of cowboy hats so of course they had to try them on. Pudge wouldn't leave one on long enough for me to snap a picture of him but Little Bear and Pequeño liked trying them on. Little Bear also reminded us then that he needs new cowboy boots and possibly a cowboy hat now that he's learning to ride horses at camp.
Before we left, we made sure to walk through the aquarium (which is my favorite part) and the kids had fun trying to find the most types of fish. There were also a few turtles in there and Little Bear decided that if we wont let him get a pet dog, he now wants a turtle.
We ended up being in the store for over 5.5 hours and bought more than just a life jacket.