Papa was home for Father's Day so we were able to celebrate together!
Each of the boys had made a special card or gift at school and at home for him. Little Bear's gift included grilling sauce which he is looking forward to using soon.
We let Papa sleep in and when he woke up (around 11) we had breakfast ready for him in bed. Then he came downstairs and the kids gave him his gifts (Little Bear had already given him the sauce when he brought it home from school but he had other things that he had made for him including a Lego police station.)
We relaxed at the house for a little while and then headed to Red Robin for a late lunch/early dinner. Pudge had us all laughing with his decision to put everything that he could on his burger. Hamburger, fries, grilled chicken, ketchup. 

Then we went to the movies to see How To Train Your Dragon 2. We were worried that Pequeño wouldn't want to watch the whole movie (which he didn't but he was quiet and played in his seat and slept for the entire thing). The older kids were excited to get their own little popcorn and icees. The movie was really good and everyone was glad that we had decided to go.
Afterwards, we went to get frozen yogurt (they also offer dairy free ones that Little Bear and Pequeño can eat so it's a great treat for everyone). We let the kids pick their toppings (within reason because Pudge wanted EVERYTHING) and then sat and enjoyed them outside.
Pequeño got pink lemonade with rainbow sprinkles.
Pudge got Twix frozen yogurt with m&m's, andes peppermints, sprinkles, nuts and maybe something else (Papa made his)
Little Bear got Pink Lemonade with sprinkles and M&M's
Mine was Twix with Reese's Pieces
Papa had mixed a bunch of flavor a and toppings together for his. (I think Pudge takes after him with his food choices!)
Then we went to Barnes & Noble to look around. The kids played with the train table and looked for their favorite books. Little Bear saw a friends from school so we stopped and chatted with him and his mom for a little bit. They each used their own money to get something that they wanted. Little Bear chose a Geronimo Stilton junior reporter notebook which came with a pencil that has a cheese shaped eraser, Pudge bought a How To Train Your Dragon 2 game, and Pequeño got a stuffed puppy (which he refuses to give up even to pay for it).
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