We've chosen to raise our kids in a way that they know that they are loved (by not only us but by the family and friends that surround them), so that they always have all that they need (but not everything that they want), so that they will not grow to feel entitled (but to know that their hard work will give results), so that they know that the world does not revolve around only them (and that every creature's life has meaning and value), so that they will help others not because they want something in return (but because it is the right thing to do), so that they are willing to make mistakes and learn from them as opposed to never trying in fear, so that when they are grown they can provide for themselves and not be dependent on others, so that life and nature are things to be looked at in amazement and not hurriedly passed by, so that they respect that others will have differing beliefs and traditions and that they should be learned from as opposed to looked down upon or dismissed, so that they will never feel inferior (or superior) especially due to circumstances that they did not bring upon themselves, so that they lead lives that are healthy and fun, so that they have the "common sense" that many lack, so that they are always striving to know more and never settling with "because that is the way it is", so that they love without hesitation, so that they follow their passions, and so that they will be proud of the people that they are.
We do not spank, we do not belittle, we do not ask them to be anything that they are not.
We treat them as the individuals that they are. (Thank you Abuelo and Abuela and Grandpa and Grandma for doing the same with us as we grew.)
The way that we choose to parent, is the way that we believe is best for our children. So while some people may not agree with our decisions, that's okay. Because we are doing what every parent does (or should be doing) for their own family... We're raising them to be smart, safe, resourceful, kind, humble, and loving individuals.
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