Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day Snowstorm

All day yesterday and last night we had a big snowstorm which resulted in about 18.5 inches of snow! 

Thanks to all of this snow, the kids have a 5 day weekend which would normally be great but at this point, they're going to be going to school until the end of June already.

Playing outside in the snow

Pudge was in love with his Valentine's Day gift.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Snow Day

 The snow is falling!

Pequeño wants to go outside. Trying to kiss the snow.

Go to sleep Little One! We'll go outside after nap!

Finally Outside!
Not so sure about the snow once he got out there. He refused to walk on it and would whine to be picked up every once in a while. He liked watching his brothers play though.

Pudge was rolling around and trying to eat the snow.

Little Bear was breaking up the layer of ice to help make a snowman.

Helping carry the snow for the snowman

He had to taste test every so often.

Little Bear and the snowman

Pudge and the snowman

Great job boys!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Late Nights

Pudge seems to be going through a phase right now where he does NOT want to sleep. No naps, No bedtime. So after a few nights of being up most of the night with him and then having to wake up early with Pequeño, I brought him into my room to fall asleep. Obviously, it was not a solution for instant sleep. There was lots of giggling and him sticking his feet in my face saying "stinky toes!". I can't wait for this phase to be over... This momma needs her sleep!

Monday, February 3, 2014


The kids decided that they wanted to give bubbles with their valentines this year so we started making them today. Pudge was very excited to pick which bubbles went in each bag and which tag I would tie on. He got to use the hole punch for most of the foam heart but then decided that he wanted to run around like a madman in his bandanna (made from one of our cloth napkins). 

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Shaving Cream fun and Coloring on Windows

This morning the kids wanted to do some crafts. We've been stuck in the house for a few days now so I let them pick from a group of different things that we had all of the supplies for. 

Their first choice was to play with shaving cream. This has been something that the kids have loved over the years. I decided to fill ziploc bags with the shaving cream and a few drops of different colors of paint. Then I taped the tops shut (because Pudge would otherwise have immediately opened his and made a mess) and handed them over. The older kids immediately started playing with them and trying to mix the different colors together. At some point, Pudge started pounding on the bag which everyone thought was hilarious. 
 Pequeño wasn't too sure what to think about it. he kept hitting the bag but if we tried to get him to push down on it with his finger he would turn away and say "Nooooo". However, he didn't want me to take the bag away either.
 Little Bear and Pudge ended up with green bags while Pequeño only had a little bit of color mixed into his.
 The next fun thing was coloring on the windows. Yes, you read that correctly.I let the kids color on the windows. With window markers given to them by their Abuelo and Abuela. The older kids had a blast and kept giggling and checking over their shoulder to make sure that they weren't going to get in trouble.

Then we blew plastic bubbles. I remember using this when I was growing up. The kids thought that they were amazing.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Drummer Boy

Pudge got a drum set from Aunt N & Uncle B for Christmas and he LOVES it!

Here's a comparison: