Saturday, July 30, 2016

Life Lately

We've been busy the past two weeks since Cuatro has joined us. Papa was home for the first four days and we all loved getting to spend that time together. 

Once Papa went back to work, we jumped back into our regular schedule which made me grateful once again for babywearing (because I don't know how we would get things done otherwise). 

Lately we've been filling our time with:

Library Days


Grocery & Target Shopping

Playing Outside (as much as we are currently able since we are in a heat wave)
(They were pushing each other into the sprinklers)

Eating Vanilla and Almond Granola whenever possible

And Fighting Over Who Gets to Hold the Baby

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Cuatro - The 1st Week

Papa, Pudge, and Cuatro 
Papa & Cuatro 
Little Bear and Cuatro 

Found his thumb
Pudge & Cuatro 
Smiling after nursing

Pequeño and Cuatro 
Mama & Cuatro 

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

He's Here!

Javier Enrique (aka Javi) (aka Cuatro) has finally arrived. 9 days late and perfect as can be. 

Labor started a little after 2 am with a sharp painful contraction quickly followed by ones ranging from 4-5 minutes apart. As with my earlier false labor, I used our yoga ball to lean over and rock through each contraction. When these continued to get stronger, I was sure that it was the real thing (finally!). After being woken up with a yell of "I think this is it! We need to go now!" Papa ran and got all of the kids from their beds and into the van while I went to the bathroom and then hobbled out to the car. We called the OB's after-hours line at 2:20am and were almost at the hospital (with all three older kids in tow) when they called back at 2:30am to say "come straight in." By the time that Mama got checked in through the ER, pushed up to the delivery floor, and into a room I was feeling the urge to push. The nurses talked me through a couple of contractions (now right on top of each other) so I could quickly get checked and was immediately given the OK to start pushing. After a few pushes, he was here and was immediately laid on my chest. They waited a few minutes to cut the cord and then after a few minutes it was clear that I was going to have trouble delivering the placenta again. So I was given a shot of pitocin in my leg and they "massaged" my stomach (read:tortured) to help force it out. As soon as it was out, they went to the waiting room to get Papa and the kids so they could meet the newest little family member. 

It was less than 20 minutes after getting to the hospital and the doctor joked that it was a good thing that we didn't wait for them to tell us to come in. Papa and the kids had gotten to the waiting area and after only a few minutes were told that they could come see the baby. Papa was shocked that the baby had already been born and made sure that the nurse was looking for the right family!

3:04am Javi was born! 7lbs 12.8oz, 20 inches
Lots of bruising on his face which went from red to purple...
He is a breastfeeding champ so far and makes an adorable whimpering sound when he nurses. He's been soiling diapers frequently so we know that he's getting enough to eat.

However, he's also having a little trouble regulating his temperature so he's been in and out of the warmer throughout our time here. We are waiting for test results and hoping to be discharged in the next day or so. 

A day to appreciate nature

After Pudge's gymnastics lesson, we decided to spend the day on a leisurely nature hike. The weather was beautiful and Papa and the kids wanted to cool off and explore in the creek which was low. So they spent quite a while looking under rocks (and finding sucker fish and other thing), skipping rocks, and finding frogs.
8 days overdue...
On the way out of the game preserve we slowed down to see the elk and bison. 
This poor bison was "under veterinary care" and was covered in bugs and scratching itself on the fence to the point that it had bald spots. 

Afterwards, we decided to take the kids to Premise Maid for ice cream as a treat before we will be having the baby. It was packed! The kids love Premise Maid and were so excited that we were able to eat outside surrounded by fireflies. All of the kids chose a scoop of birthday cake icecream (both the cake and the icecream are homemade) with different kinds of waffle cones.
Little Bear wanted a chocolate sprinkles cone
Pudge and Pequeño both chose rainbow sprinkles

(While we were eating, a big toad came along and was chasing fireflies in the little garden right next to where we were sitting! The kids loved watching it.)

We decided to take "the long way" home so we could drive by a lot of fields and watch the fireflies. It was amazing how many there were!