Monday, November 30, 2015

Advent begins

It's time for one of our favorite traditions... Advent boxes
And the advent ornament wreath for the kids' mini tree

Monday, November 16, 2015

Kids Castle

After Ringing Rocks Park, we went to a place called Kids Castle Doylestown which Papa had heard about. It was an awesome public park that had a playground shaped like a giant castle and a ton of other play equipment surrounding it. The kids LOVED it and we stayed until it was dark.

The kids all loved this ride. It was a firemans pole that they would stand on and it would slowly lower them down.

Ringing Rocks

We took the kids to a landmark about an hour away that we kept hearing about called Ringing Rocks Park. It's a 128 acre pile of boulders that you can climb and explore and when you strike the boulders, they make bell-like sounds! We came armed with a few hammers for the kids to tap the rocks with and they also tried using smaller rocks to tap the larger ones. Before taking the kids into the Boulder field, we had them bang a few regular rocks to hear the sound that they made so that they would be surprised by the noises that the ringing rocks made. They thought that it was awesome and loved finding different sounding boulders and climbing throughout the boulders. Pudge took a spill at one point which made us nervous but they were otherwise careful. 
We also explored some of the trails but found that those rocks didn't ring 
(Checking out an acorn that he found)

Friday, November 13, 2015

Firehouse Tour 2015

Little Bear, Pudge, and I went to our annual firehouse tour with our Moms Club while Pequeño stayed home with Daddy. 
Their favorite part was getting to check out the ambulance. ( This is the same ambulance dept. that took me to the hospital when I was in labor with Pequeño and he was born on one of their stretchers!)
They stuck together to check everything out.

Inside a firetruck

Before we left, the ambulance was called out on a call so the kids all got to watch them get ready and leave. We left shortly after and on our way home, we found that the accident that the ambulance was called to was on our way home and they were still taking care of it when we arrived there (the EMT that the kids had talked to at the station was outside the ambulance and the kids thought that it was awesome to see him in action).