Thursday, September 18, 2014

Little Bear's Field Day

Little Bear was really excited that today was going to be his grade's "field day". The reasons that he was so excited were A) Getting to be outside for 1.5 more hours which is basically like having recess most of the day (because they did also have recess in the morning), B) Parents were invited and both Papa and I (plus the little ones) were going to be there to watch, and C) They were going to do tug of war.

The school had it set up as a few different stations where the groups of kids would rotate once a certain amount of time had passed. Little Bear says that his favorite game was the "garbage game" by which he means the one where they pretended to throw "garbage" (the balls) into "Oscar the Grouch's garbage can" (a circle made by gym mats). Inside the circle of mats, there were kids (who rotated every few minutes) that were throwing the "garbage" back out. Then when the whistle would blow, the teacher would see how many balls were inside the circle. Then they would start again with different kids inside the circle until it was time to switch stations. I think that this was his favorite station last year too.
There was also a knock the pin/guard your pin game where they had to try to knock other player's bowling pins down while guarding their own. Whenever their pin fell (which happened a lot) they had to do 10 jumping jacks before they could stand it up and play again.
They also did a few races like bouncing on a ball, potato sack, and a clothespin race.
The last thing that they did was the tug of war. Each of the classes got to do it against all of the other classes at least once and they all had a great time. The classes that weren't at the rope would cheer for the kids who were playing and afterwards, the teams would yell "Good Job Mr./Mrs X's class" once they were done.

The younger two had fun cheering for Little Bear and his class throughout the whole thing.

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