Saturday, December 12, 2015

Annual Christmas Tree Hunting 2015

This year's Christmas tree hunting was another fun adventure. The temperature was in the 60's so it didn't feel very much like winter. However, it made things a little easier to not have to worry about the kids  getting too cold. We went to the same place that we have in the previous years (Beck's Christmas Tree Farm).

As soon as we pulled in, the kids started yelling "Santa! Santa!" since they could see one of Santa's helpers outside. 
Pudge told Santa that he wants a robot for Christmas and all three were given candy canes to eat while they looked for a tree. 
(Pequeño hitched a ride up and down the hill but ran around once we got to the trees that we were looking for)
Pudge kept claiming trees that were "perfect" for him. 
Occasionally the boys helped pull the cart.
Found one! The kids all wanted to take their picture with the tree before it got cut down. Then they took turns helping Daddy cut it down.
Then they helped it tip onto the cart.
While Little Bear and Daddy got the tree turned around and tied down on the cart, the little ones said goodbye to the trees that they couldn't take with them. 
Then down the hill we went....
On the way down we encountered some groundhog holes which the kids thought were cool.
The kids all still love watching the tree get shaken and were making the guys who were working laugh because they kept saying "It's shaking out the chipmunks! What if there's a squirrel?!" 
Time to wrap it up
and ready for the back of our van!

On our way out, Santa waved the kids over and gave them each a coloring book so they happily colored on the car ride home. (We have a pack of crayons in the van at all times)
After we drove home and set the tree up in the dining room, we went to Dunderbak's which is the German restaurant that has been part of our tradition. The kids were sad to see that they no longer had the soft pretzel appetizer but happily filled up on perogies, bratwurst, and sausage.
Pequeño decided to try to toss a few peices in the air and attempt to catch them... Spoiler... He missed them all. 

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