Sunday, December 4, 2016

Tree Hunting 2016

This year, we stuck to our Christmas tree hunting traditions from the past few years. So we spent the day looking for a tree at Beck's Christmas Tree Farm. The kids saw Santa as soon as we pulled into the parking lot so our first stop was to see him. 
The kids didn't sit on his lap this year or ask for anything but instead told him "Merry Christmas" and Pequeño told him that he liked his glasses and gave him a hug. 

It was pretty busy so we waited a few minutes for a tree cart and then headed out to find a tree. 
Even though we knew which kind of tree we wanted to get, the kids still wanted to explore and look at  all of the trees. We were warned by a family while we were walking up the hill to keep a hand on our cart because theirs had been taken while they were cutting down their tree. So, Papa and the boys occasionally left Cuatro and me to stay with the cart.
Cuatro slept most of the time
Found it!
Next, we dropped the tree at our house and went to dinner at the German restaurant that we go to each year.
then home to decorate!

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