Saturday, May 28, 2016

Kids Run

Today was the first of this summer's Kids Run Series through our local running club. Pudge and Pequeño were both able to participate (Little Bear had a soccer tournament) and Abuela came down to spend the day with us.

After checking in with their age groups and getting their pins, we had a little while to walk around before the runs started. Some of the sponsors had tents set up so we checked those out and the kids each got their own cow bell from the first one. Then they went to another tent where the Wildlands Conservancy had a few animals for the kids to see. They had a python, lizard, and turtle which the kids thought were all really cool. 
They also were able to make a paper craft there which made a little canoe and then they got a red marshmallow Peep to put in the canoe (and eat). 
Next, the kids wanted to see the firetruck which was being shown and they each got a chance to sit in the driver's seat.
Pudge thought that it was awesome that the tires were so big on the truck and had a lot of questions for the fireman.

Then we sat in the shade for a little bit to cool down and the kids wanted to eat the lemon slices from Abuela's iced tea.
Shortly after, the groups started to form so Abuela and Pudge went to his age group while Pequeño and I went to his. While we were waiting for Pequeño's run to begin, he was very excited. He took off smiling but he got more and more nervous about how many people were running next to him. He made it a little more than halfway before he stopped running and said "No, I'm not running". Since we were stopped in the way of the people who were running and walking, I tried to get encourage him to finish by racing me. That worked for a little bit but then he sat down and I had to pick him up and carry him part of the way while he buried his face in my shoulder. Right before the finish, I told him that if he wanted to get a ribbon, he had to either walk or run to the end and he ran holding my hand. As soon as we got to the end, he started crying and wanted to be held. He was excited to get his ribbon but wasn't happy about the fact that he was sweating or that he had to wear the number pinned to his shirt. 

Next was Pudge's group. 

This year, he ran without an adult and he did a great job on his own. He was exhausted when he finished but was so happy to have earned his ribbon. 

On our way out, the kids wanted to stop and see the clowns and get a balloon. As always, they chose to get balloon swords...
which they then used to sword fight with Abuela.

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