Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Swim Lessons

The younger two boys had the first of their two week swim lessons today. One great thing about them being close in age is that they are often able to be in the same class/group. We really liked the lessons last year so we signed them up at the same place. Most of the lifeguards ended up being the same and they remembered the kids which made them more comfortable with getting into the water. Last year, Pudge wasn't too easy to convince to get in (especially if the water was cold) but this time he saw a familiar face and joined right in. 

They started the class in the wading/baby pool and had the kids searching for diving rings. They both really liked this game and were excited to "play another game in the big pool" when it was time.
Pudge originally wanted to wear goggles but ditched them a few minutes into the class.
 Pequeño's favorite part of the lesson was getting to play with the pool toys. Pudge preferred getting to swim with the different kinds of noodles.
 Neither child wanted to jump into the pool and had to be convinced to slowly slide into the arms of the lifeguards so they wouldn't splash themselves in the face. Pudge was sure that they were going to try to make him go under water and kept backing up and saying "just please don't dunk me" before he would go in with them. Surprisingly, they both were willing (and enjoyed) putting their faces in to blow bubbles. I thought that at least one would refuse since they had been avoiding getting their faces wet during the rest of the time. 
They both also thought that it was hilarious that they had to kick their feet and try to "soak" the lifeguards. 
Unfortunately, they'll need to miss the class tomorrow because it is at the same time as Pudge's kindergarten testing. When we left the pool today, they were excited to tell the lifeguards that they would be back soon so hopefully the next lesson goes just as smoothly!

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