Saturday, June 4, 2016

36 Week Ultrasound and Update

Baby Cuatro wasn't in a great position to get ultrasound pictures this week but all of his measurements looked good which was the only real important thing. Right now, it looks like he'd be in the 7.5-8lb range if he were born on his due date. Since all three of the other kids were 7lbs and some ounces, that's what we had been expecting also. It'll be interesting to see how long he will be (So far, Pudge was our shortest and Little Bear was the longest).

He is currently head down and in the pelvis. I opted to skip internal exams since it doesn't really mean much. We know that we'll be having a baby soon enough and the ultrasound showed us that he is growing well and had a strong heartbeat. 

The tech did try to get a picture of his face for us but the most they were able to get was this because he was down low and he also kept wiggling. He had his little hands folded under his chin: 

I had lost another pound so they just said to continue with the hyperemesis medication, eat when I can, and stay hydrated especially as the weather continues to be warmer. Assuming that he doesn't make an escape this week, we'll have an appointment again next week.

How far along? 36 weeks
How big is the peanut? Ultrasound estimated 5lbs 3oz (expected to gain 2-2.5 more before due date)
Total weight gain/loss? 8lbs under starting pregnancy weight
Maternity clothes? I have three pairs of maternity pants and a few elastic waist or drawstring workout pants from prepregnancy that fit due to the weight loss
Sleep? I've been sleeping well but have been waking up with really sore hips every morning
Best moment this week? Getting to see Baby Cuatro and hear his heartbeat
Symptoms? Still throwing up, heartburn,  random contractions
Food cravings? Watermelon
Food aversions? Chicken
Gender? Boy (confirmed again at ultrasound)
Labor signs? Random contractions but nothing significant yet
Belly button in or out? Mostly in but occasionally sticks out depending on baby's position
What I miss? Classes at the gym and wine at Book Club
What I'm looking forward to? Finding out what Baby Cuatro really looks like and seeing how the other boys react to meeting him

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