Thursday, June 2, 2016

End of Year Teacher Gifts

The kids decided to make their teachers vases for their "Thank You" gifts this year. 
We bought clear vases, a lot of colored pencils, and the kids picked out a few different plastic flowers for each teacher. (We also used ribbon, hot glue, and butterfly decorations from our craft closet). 

First, we cut two strands of ribbon for each vase and glued them one around the middle and one a little bit lower. 

Then,  we put glue on the ribbons and the kids placed their colored pencils around the vases. 

Next, we cut another piece of ribbon to wrap around the middle of the case for decoration and the kids glued the entire ribbon to also help keep the pencils in place. 

Finally, they glued their butterfly decoration over the area where the ribbon overlapped.

Once they dried, the kids put the flowers and cards that they had made in them.

I think that they turned out really cute and the kids were really proud of them. Pudge requested his picture with them before he took them to his graduation.

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