Sunday, June 9, 2013

Stovetop Jiffy Pop!

When the kids went grocery shopping with Papa Bear, they came home with a few treats. One was popcorn that could be cooked over the stove or a campfire. Since we aren't going camping for a few weeks and the boys (Papa included) are all too impatient to wait that long, they made it over the stove top for a snack. At first, they weren't too impressed but as the foil started to grow, it became awesome!

Little Bear was concerned that it was going to explode but his fears were easily calmed. Once it  finished popping, we all dug in. It was determined that it was a "much better" way to cook popcorn than in the microwave bags but Little Bear wasn't quite sure whether or not it was cooler than Abuela's popcorn machine that "spits out" the popcorn. Either way, we plan on bringing some of these on our camping trip.

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